Reviews For Fils De...
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Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2022 8:41 am Title: Guidance

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. (happy sigh rather than dolphin noises).  You know, things were going so well till the Hell's Angels showed up.  I'll bet people say that a lot.

Lo Si damn straight better be feeling bad about his actions.

Still loving this...

Author's Response:

I love Lo Si, I really do (that's why he gets prominance!), but man, he ought to feel some remorse. 

Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2022 12:31 am Title: The Lacquered Box

AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!  omg, Laq, I love your twists.  LOVE.  Love.


and the stupid font thing is broken and I'm reading in the tiniest type ever.  And I cannot stop.  If I go master po blind, it's your fault. 

Author's Response:

Noooo! Don't go blind! Speech to text has come a long way, but the opposite is full of terrible typos! Dang tiny fonts. <3 

Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2022 12:09 am Title: Initiation 2

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!  All my reviews are going to start with AHHHHHHHHHHHH!  Okay, holy crapola, are we channeling each other?  Filial Piety?  I wrote a story about  Peter is killing me.  He's so...wrong, and yet so...Peter?  Wow.  ack, after midnight.  maybe just one more chapter.  AHHHHHH!!!

Author's Response:

Oh, I love hearing AHHHHHH! :D Also, I am VERY, VERY, VERY excited to see your priest Peter. I believe that Caine said that there were echoes of the boy in the man, and THAT is what I think we both channel! The echoes of young Peter Caine that ripple out through the fabric of the Funiverse!

Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 02, 2022 11:42 pm Title: Initiation 1

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  oh my god, you are killing me.  I'm kinda afraid to go on, because I am actually writing this same AU scenario...only Peter isn't with Tan...he's gone to China to learn to be a priest.  Hence all the bald pics.  This is great though.  Whew. 


One more chapter tonight.  

Reviewer: SBerry Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 19, 2022 2:40 pm Title: Initiation 1

I've only completed the first two sections but I have to say that I am amazed that w/ the different history, quite a difference, you have still been able to maintain the essence of Peter - even given different reactions, different words, different history. Quite amazing, actually. Looking forward to reading the rest...and hoping that Kermit eventually interacts w/ this other Peter. 

I have to say your scenes w/ Paul Blaisdell are quite powerful. You can feel his strength in the words. Every time he met w/ Peter was perfect. I've just started the section, the Challenge. The story is coming to an end. I - to be totally honest - am surprised at how much I have enjoyed it. My one disappointment - I think it would have been emotionally satisfying to have been in on some of the discussions KCC and Lo Si had about Peter. I felt like we missed a piece of the puzzle by not hearing that. 

Quite the satisfying read...but I would have liked to have had a glimpse of where Peter was headed. Given their last conversation, I'm guessing he's going to join Blaisdell's crew - mentored by Kermit. 😎


Author's Response:

Hey, I didn't know I could respond to these! I feel a little weird replying to this review after so much time has passed, but thank you so much. This review inspired me to add a bit more Paul to the sequel, 'cause he was a little light in there.

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