Reviews For Betrayal
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Reviewer: LdyJulanna Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 20, 2022 8:14 am Title: Chapter 1

Well, this was definitely different. This one was hard for me to get into for the simple fact that while I can see yes Caine would put something like that above everything else. I can't see him not trusting Peter. I can see him doing the damage to protect his cover, but outright. Not trusting Peter. I can't see that. Not once. He had explain what was going on because Peter has more than once showed that he's willing to follow Caines lead. Also, while I can understand the theory behind the ancients plan. I personally don't seeing it going is smoothly as it happened. I have no doubt that Peter would on the face of things most likely follow etiquette when talking to the elder. Maybe to a point. But once outside of the elder. I can't see him coming to terms with the situation quite that easily. But that's my personal opinion. That's what it means to be Fanfiction. Each writer has their own take. I guess.-Lady Julanna

Reviewer: Raven Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 24, 2010 3:09 am Title: Chapter 6

Awww. I like this story. I felt for Peter cause of the way Caine was treating him but he had to show that Caine didn't know who Peter was. Of course, Peter MUST go where his father is.

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