Date: Sep 13, 2022 12:55 am Title: Chapter 1
I loved this story. Peter seems like a great father. I love how he interacted with his kids. Would love to read more like this.
Date: Sep 10, 2022 10:24 am Title: Chapter 1
A very satisfying read. I was so glad to see you spend as much, if not more, time on the Caines as the antagonist. The Caines were all very realistic, three-dimensional characters. I loved this time frame. It was enjoyable to see a glimpse into Caine's and Peter's lives twenty years down the road. There were A LOT of nice little moments.
Date: Sep 09, 2022 8:01 am Title: Chapter 1
Meg is a perfect complement to Peter and having him be so involved in his community makes all kinds of sense. Love the interaction between the children and Grandpop. Would like to see more about this future.
Date: Jun 19, 2022 4:34 am Title: Chapter 1
I like this story, I thought it was an interesting take. Interesting to see Peter with the kids as well as Caine and I like a good story with Peter after he took the Brands. I like the fact that there was detail in the story. "Uncle" Kermit was cute. I kinda hate that there was no Mary Margaret or Jody or Karen except in passing always like those characters to but this was a good story. I could see Peter wanting to give his children the chance to explore other religions to have them make their own decisions. That being said, I must say I was not fond of the wife's attitude about the kids being shaolin. I was talking back to the computer screen. LOL for that matter. I wasn't very happy with her attitude towards Peter's shaolin side. I could understand when you first get together not being okay with the psychic abilities. Maybe if you weren't one that that study or learn about or had any knowledge of the "unexplainable" however, after another few years of marriage to have that many kids or whatever. I still say he would think she would understand a little bit better and not be is one-sided when it comes to the children. Or at least that was something I was saying when I was talking back to the TV screen something to that effect anyway. :-) Good job-Lady Julanna
Date: Feb 26, 2007 12:13 am Title: Chapter 24
Loved it. Once I started I couldn't stop. And it is past my bedtime...(sigh)...thanks for sharing.
Date: Feb 23, 2007 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 24
Great story. I believed at first Peter's wife was a possible Mary Sue, but after the first few chapters the character became a wonderful original character as did the children. You put a lot of hard work into this story and it showed.