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Reviewer: Judy Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 11, 2007 3:56 pm Title: Chapter 1

Just finished reading this again and it's still good. Is Cassie going to get her sick hands on Peter and is Caine coming back after Peter?????Judy

Reviewer: dotti81 Signed [Report This]
Date: Oct 02, 2006 10:09 pm Title: Chapter 7

I'm looking forward to your next chapter. I don't like Caine in this story. I'm am glad everyone seems down on Caine, at the moment. Is he going to see the light finally??? But I love the relationship you have with Paul and Peter. Great story, I hope you update soon.

Author's Response: Hi, thanks so much for the wonderful feedback on my story. This one is complete and should all be posted. I'll double check to make sure. As for Caine, I saw a cruel side to him in the show and that where this story came from...Winnie

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