Reviews For Independence Day
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Reviewer: pinkphoenix Signed [Report This]
Date: Jan 23, 2024 5:16 am Title: Chapter 1

This is possibly my favourite story out of all the chapters. Poor Peter just having a misunderstanding and running with it. It definitely does reflect the older Peter and shows how the Blaisdells helped him grow without losing what he had

Reviewer: SBerry Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 26, 2023 10:28 am Title: Chapter 1

Oh, I loved this!!!!! There were a couple of times that I could "hear" our older Peter saying the lines. You did a good job of creatiing a teen-aged Peter that embodied so much of the Peter we know and love. Poor kid! The confusion, the fear, I honestly cannot imagine what he was going through - but I felt so bad for him. 

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