Reviews For Tigers
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Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2022 8:05 am Title: Chapter 1

Uh...yes.  Please.

Author's Response:

Okay. It's gonna happen! *stares at blank page* Any time now... just kidding, I've got ideas on where this is going, but I definitely need to plan it out properly before I post any more. 

Reviewer: CantWrite Signed [Report This]
Date: Nov 03, 2022 6:50 am Title: Chapter 1

Gosh, it's no wonder Peter told Matt, "That place scared the hell out of me!"  I could feel his frustration, indignity, and pain. 

Author's Response:

The Ping Ridge I am imagining is definitely NOT a pleasant place...

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