Reviews For Starting Over
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Reviewer: zvivizt Signed [Report This]
Date: Jul 18, 2023 8:28 pm Title: Starting Over

I like this so much! It's a story with a rainbow of emotions, in many moments I only want hugging Peter, I cried a lot too... Thanks for sharing this beauty! 

I hope someday you write a sequel, or another Post series story (which one you would most prefer? 😉) please please

Reviewer: Quellefromage Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 02, 2022 1:16 am Title: Starting Over

Oh, that was an interesting take.  I have to say the description of being killed during childbirth drew me in...(exploding placenta? Demon baby?) but it ws a cool premise, and there were a lot of nice elements during the funeral.  Peter was a bit slow on the uptake, but that's to be expected.  Cool story, thanks for sharing

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