Reviews For But With My Eyes
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Reviewer: SBerry Signed [Report This]
Date: Sep 04, 2022 4:11 pm Title: Chapter 1

This was one intense read. 

The courtroom scenes were tragically good. You could easily have had the judge and DA acting as if Peter was the enemy, instead they were compassionate towards him - offering more realism to the story. 

I wish you had mentioned Ling, was that his name? The man who worked for Covington. There should have been some legal consequence for him not reporting the abuse of the boys. The department should not have had to pick up the remainder of Peter's therapy - the Covingtons should have. I cannot imagine that there was not some type of monetary compensation as part of Marianne's plea deal. Argument can be made that it was, we just didn't see that part. 

I read this story as an AU because honestly the Caine in this story is not who I saw on screen; however, as an AU - and I'm actually a fan of alternate universes - what a jerk! I can't imagine that Peter and Pop's relationship will ever be much more than...cordial.

 Paul and Kermit were written well. One suggestion - the Paul that we know from the series, in fact the Paul you wrote here, would never had gone to arrest a suspect by himself. It's against policy and w/ his personal involvement, Paul is too wise to have put himself in that situation. I know it was necessary for your plot but it could easily be tweaked. Did they do a residue test on Blaisdell? 

Thank you for sharing. It's obvious you put a lot of work into this. It is well worth the read. 

Reviewer: LdyJulanna Signed [Report This]
Date: Jun 17, 2022 9:56 am Title: Chapter 1

Couldn't put this one down in the reading both parts and one major marathon. Although the background you give Peter was very dark. I found the story to be one of the better stories that I've read in the Kung Fu legend continues Fanfiction in fact all of your stories that I've read so far in this fandom have been excellent. I will say that this particular incarnation of Caine got on my nerves and had me talking back to my computer screen like a crazy person. And talk about needing tissues. But that's also the sign of a good story for me is there not a whole lot of Fanfiction's that actually make me the tissues :-)

-Lady Julanna

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