Karen Simms
Defense Council by Sweet Rated: PG-13 [Reviews - 0] New!

In Shambhala, Caine is charged with crimes against humanity. If found guilty, he faces eternal banishment. His advocate, Kermit, has his hands tied, not only with trying to prove Caine's innocence, but honoring Caine's demand to keep everything from Peter.  

Categories: Post Series
Characters: Blake, Caine, Karen Simms, Kermit, Lo Si, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure, Drama
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 33259 Read Count: 24
[Report This] Published: Aug 09, 2024 Updated: Aug 09, 2024

Karen asks Kermit's help with her computer; as payment, she buys him dinner.

Categories: Zines > Shades of Green
Characters: Karen Simms, Kermit
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Drama, Romance
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7872 Read Count: 76
[Report This] Published: Jun 11, 2024 Updated: Jun 11, 2024

Immediately post "Black Widow".

Categories: Zines > Bridging the Gap > BTG 1
Characters: Karen Simms, Kermit
Episode Tag: Black Widow
Genres: Angst, Canon, Drama, Romance
Ship / Pairing: HET: Kermit / Karen
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 6885 Read Count: 123
[Report This] Published: Apr 26, 2024 Updated: Apr 26, 2024

A wife, a house, two thriving careers, and a baby on the way! The stories of Peter and Jessie's children!

Categories: Alternative Universe (AU) > Raising Caine
Characters: Caine, Jody, Karen Simms, Kermit, Mary Margaret, Peter, The 101st, The Blaisdells
Episode Tag: None
Genres: H/C
Ship / Pairing: HET: Peter/ OFC
Warnings: Profanity, Sexual Content
Series: Growing Up Caine
Chapters: 40 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 45059 Read Count: 293
[Report This] Published: Apr 05, 2023 Updated: Apr 01, 2024

For decades, Paul Blaisdell was a mercenary with Kermit Griffin a protégé. Now, a debt from South Africa has come due and Blaisdell is gone. It’s up to Griffin, and Peter Caine, to finish the job.

[This story was written in 1995 and published in 1996.]

Categories: Printed Novels
Characters: Blake, Caine, Jody, Karen Simms, Kermit, Mary Margaret, Paul, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama, H/C
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 11 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 86186 Read Count: 2067
[Report This] Published: Feb 27, 2024 Updated: Feb 27, 2024
Valentine's Day by LCWells Rated: PG [Reviews - 1]
Summary: Past Featured Story

When a mysterious, and pungent, bouquet arrives at the 101st precinct just in time for Valentine's Day, it causes a great deal of wonder. Especially when it turns out to belong to the elusive eccentric computer specialist, Kermit Griffith, and it's not for his interest - Captain Karen Simms.


Categories: Post Series
Characters: Blake, Jody, Karen Simms, Kermit, T.J.
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Holiday, Romance
Ship / Pairing: HET: Kermit / Karen
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2604 Read Count: 166
[Report This] Published: Jan 31, 2024 Updated: Jan 31, 2024

Karen Simms and Kermit Griffin have a late night tete-a-tete. 


Categories: Zines > Shades of Green
Characters: Karen Simms, Kermit
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance
Ship / Pairing: HET: Kermit / Karen
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2007 Read Count: 99
[Report This] Published: Jan 18, 2024 Updated: Jan 18, 2024

Karen isn't quite sure why Kermit is talking about vampires...

Categories: Zines > Shades of Green
Characters: Karen Simms, Kermit
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Drama
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1685 Read Count: 90
[Report This] Published: Jan 18, 2024 Updated: Jan 18, 2024


Computer expert Kermit Griffin and Captain Karen Simms of the 101st Precinct exchange gifts on New Year's Eve. (It's gen, remember.)


Categories: Season 3-4
Characters: Karen Simms, Kermit
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Holiday, Romance
Ship / Pairing: HET: Kermit / Karen
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1110 Read Count: 142
[Report This] Published: Jan 12, 2024 Updated: Jan 12, 2024
Landmines by LCWells Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]

Chief Frank Strenlich and computer expert Kermit Griffin of the 101st go to investigate a cabin. They find one - but it's the wrong one. This one has a corpse, dynamite, and a front yard full of landmines. Then the owners of the explosives show up. It's up to the other officers to save them.


Categories: Zines > Shades of Green
Characters: Caine, Karen Simms, Kermit, Mary Margaret, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure, Drama, H/C
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 16122 Read Count: 186
[Report This] Published: Jan 12, 2024 Updated: Jan 12, 2024