Other Results: 9 Series
Bedtime Story by Dominick Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]

A lesson within a bedtime story.

Categories: Pre-Series
Characters: Caine, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Drama
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 863 Read Count: 535
[Report This] Published: May 06, 2023 Updated: May 06, 2023

When Michael Caine gets into a fight at school, Peter and Jessie are at odds on how to handle the situation.

Categories: Alternative Universe (AU) > Raising Caine
Characters: All characters, Caine, Kermit, Paul, Peter, The 101st, The Blaisdells
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Discipline, Drama, H/C
Ship / Pairing: HET: Peter/ OFC
Warnings: None
Series: Growing Up Caine
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 15720 Read Count: 8916
[Report This] Published: Apr 22, 2023 Updated: Apr 29, 2023

Paul Blaisdell finally comes home, but not everyone in the family welcomes him with open arms...

Categories: Alternative Universe (AU) > Raising Caine
Characters: Caine, Kermit, Paul, Peter, The Blaisdells
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Comedy, Drama, H/C
Ship / Pairing: HET: Peter/ OFC
Warnings: None
Series: Growing Up Caine
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 20916 Read Count: 12175
[Report This] Published: Apr 10, 2023 Updated: Apr 22, 2023

A vignette from the KFTLC Writers' Tearoom - the challenge was to write a Drabble or scene...done all in dialogue. No descriptions, no exposition - just dialogue. The first word was "MOVE." 

Categories: Post Series
Characters: Paul, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Vignette/Poetry
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 557 Read Count: 480
[Report This] Published: Apr 22, 2023 Updated: Apr 22, 2023
All Hallow's Eve by Pho Rated: PG [Reviews - 0]

Halloween antics - 101st style

Categories: Season 3-4
Characters: Kermit, Caine, Lo Si, Peter, The 101st
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure, Mystery
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4203 Read Count: 535
[Report This] Published: Apr 18, 2023 Updated: Apr 18, 2023
Confession by AJRedRobin Rated: PG [Reviews - 1]


A conversation between the Ancient and the new Shaolin Priest leads to discovery.


Categories: Post Series
Characters: Caine, Lo Si, Peter
Episode Tag: Requiem
Genres: Angst, Drama
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1534 Read Count: 1238
[Report This] Published: Apr 18, 2023 Updated: Apr 18, 2023
Eulogy by Luisandra Rated: PG [Reviews - 2]

Peter visits his mother's grave, and releases many years of grief. 

Categories: Season 1-2
Characters: Caine, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Angst
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1336 Read Count: 936
[Report This] Published: Apr 18, 2023 Updated: Apr 18, 2023

A conversation between Father and Son on the Power of Chi. 

Categories: Season 3-4
Characters: Caine, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1489 Read Count: 1517
[Report This] Published: Apr 18, 2023 Updated: Apr 18, 2023


Poem / Vignette

Categories: Season 1-2
Characters: Peter
Episode Tag: Initiation
Genres: Vignette/Poetry
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 213 Read Count: 1441
[Report This] Published: Apr 15, 2023 Updated: Apr 15, 2023
Missing by AJRedRobin Rated: PG [Reviews - 1]

A bully comes to town and a child from the temple goes missing.

Categories: Pre-Series
Characters: Caine, Lo Si, Peter
Episode Tag: None
Genres: Adventure, Angst, Drama
Ship / Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3070 Read Count: 1157
[Report This] Published: Apr 11, 2023 Updated: Apr 11, 2023